"Ok Google, close the garage door"

what is garagebot?

A bunch of physical and cloud parts hacked together to let you ask a Google Assistant to close the garage door. There is also an RFID reader which allows someone with a fob to open/close the garage door.


garagebot hardware hardware schematic


appengine + api.ai + pubnub + gobot

I ended up using several clouds because sadly that was easiest; fortunately this project is well within the free tier for everything.

hardware schematic

(1) I could have api.ai call pubnub directly, but bouncing requests through appengine made things easier to debug.

(2) After hours of failing to get Google Cloud Messaging to work from a Go app, I tried pubnub and that turned out to be really easy to use. **cough** GCP/firebase needs a proper Go library **cough**

(3) It would be more reliable to connect the Raspberry Pi directly to a sensor on the garage door; but my appengine app already had the current state in its database from another project.